Planning And Licensing Announcements

Brora Community


Under decentralisation measures of the Local Government etc (Scotland) Act 1994, community councils have had a statutory right to be consulted on applications for planning permission since April 1996. The Government is keen to see an effective community council network able to play its part in considering planning issues of local concern. This is in line with its longstanding commitment to securing greater public involvement in environmental matters.


Where the community council is being consulted, it must be given 14 days to make its comments on an application. This 14 days begins on the issuing date of details of the application. Most cases should be handled within the timescale set out here. But the 14 day period is a minimum and it is open to a community council, like any other statutory consultee, to ask the authority to use its discretion to allow a reasonable extension in special cases: for example those which are unusually complex or controversial.


Community councils are sent a weekly list of all planning applications as a matter of course. Although the content of weekly lists may vary, and some authorities may prepare separate lists for parts of their area, each list is required to contain at least: the date of receipt of the application; its reference number; the site location: a description of the proposed development; and the name and address of the applicant or agent.


For more detailed information about how community councils are involved in the planning process click below.